Increasing Arts and Culture in the City of Encinitas is a focus area for both the Encinitas Friends of the Arts (EFA) and City of Encinitas. Increased cultural tourism is a result of that collaboration.

EFA was established in March 2014 by the Commission for the Arts. The Commission determined that it should establish a separate nonprofit organization to partner with the Commission for the Arts that was member-based, to fundraise, receive donations, and apply for grants specifically for the City of Encinitas. EFA would also expand arts and culture offerings in the City and provide an independent advocacy body for local artists and arts organizations. EFA was granted nonprofit status and formed a board of directors, developed a membership base, received numerous grants and donations, and has developed much needed arts and culture programs for the community.

EFA elevates cultural tourism in the community by managing a monthly arts and culture calendar.  and weekly e-blast. They receive and disseminate information through their website eblast and social media. We manage a list of existing Encinitas Arts and Culture organizations. EFA also assist in branding efforts for Encinitas cultural tourism with these webpages for visitors to explore happenings in Encinitas that are arts- and culture-related.