Encinitas Advocate – Encinitas hosts virtual Día de los Muertos Nov. 1 Day of the Dead celebration

The Dia de los Muertos featured performers include Ballet Folklorico El Tapatio de San Dieguito dancers, Mariachi Real De San Diego, and a modern dance rendition from LITVAKdance company by dancers Maria Jose Castillo and Nick McGhee. There will be workshops on how to make a paper flower and decorate a picture frame to use for the alter. Entertainment also includes highlights from the past six years’ Dia de los Muertos events. Mano a Mano Foundation Program Director Beatriz Villarreal will emcee the event, and Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear and Encinitas Deputy Mayor Kellie Shay Hinze will speak as well as Naimeh Woodward, president of Encinitas Friends of the Arts.

Prior to the event, the community is invited to participate in a Dia de los Muertos face painting contest. To enter, participants email a photo of their painted face to encinitasdiadelosmuertos@gmail.com by Oct. 22. Gift card prizes will be awarded to the categories of female and male: youth, teen and adult. For contests rules and waiver, visit www.encinitasarts.org/calendar/
To add to the festivities, an event bag containing materials to make a paper flower and decorate a picture frame along with a free raffle ticket, a child size face mask, and candies will be available for pick-up on Saturday, Oct. 24 at the Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis. Raffle prizes include gift cards, laptop computers and more. Contest and raffle winners will be announced Nov. 1 at the event.
The Encinitas Library is also participating in Dia de los Muertos. Since Sept. 22, they have been featuring Dia de los Muertos art made by Luis Murguia in their acrylic showcases in the front lobby.
For a schedule of events, or for more information, visit: www.encinitasarts.org